Sunday, November 6, 2011

¡Que Caro!

This whole study abroad thing is getting really expensive. I mean outside of tuition, housing, and all that good stuff. Just to apply for the visa, it takes $140, and then there's the cost of international insurance (because really, how many people have that in their insurance plan? No one, that's who). Not to mention how you're getting the visa application to the Spanish Consulate. Luckily for me, there are
two options. 1) Take a nice long drive down through Texas, or 2) Send the application to this lady in Chicago, who will then forward it to Houston. For a hefty fee. (Granted, her hefty fee is still much cheaper than a trip to Houston, but still. It's the principle of the thing.)

Honestly, I'm not worried about all this money. I've got scholarships that will pay for a lot of it, if not all. But right now I feel like I'm bleeding money, at an incredibly rapid pace. (Sorry for that visual. It's somewhat accurate though.)

UPSIDE! (I'm staying positive here!) I've got all my application materials together, ready to send off to Chicago! A huge weight has now been lifted off of my shoulders. I can stand tall again! Aaaaannnd, I'll be in Spain in less than 90 days. It's really happening!

Talk to you soon! --Philip

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